ChurchBox Tutorials - Roles


The default roles in ChurchBox are defined as:

  • Administrator: Can access all functionality of your ChurchBox Instance, including the admin area
  • Member: These are the regular attenders of your church, they can update their own details and view the Church Directory
  • Contact: These are your wider church contacts, they only have access to update their own profile. They can't see the Church Directory

The easy way of thinking about it, is that an 'administrator' has full access, a 'member' is someone who will be signing in to ChurchBox and using the front-end of the website, a 'contact' is someone who has an account but can't access any of the features of ChurchBox. The 'contact' is usually someone you would see as affiliated with your church, but not a member; they may be someone on the fringes or part of outreach projects. For the paid Full version of ChurchBox 'Contacts' are Free and we want to encourage you in your Outreach.

If you are paying for the 'Full' version of ChurchBox then you get all members with the 'Contact' role free.

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